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Special Events  For Special Events registration & additional information, contact: Sifu Tony: wongwaiyi@hotmail.com
OR Call: (415) 378-8661
- 2024, August 9-11: Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang, Standard Bearer of Chen Taiji, will be teaching the complete Xin Jia YiLu (New Frame First form), Dantian Tu Na and Silk Reeling Exercise.
Location: First Presbyterian Church, 1140 Cowper St., Palo Alto, CA 94301
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. & 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. for all days
- 8/9: morning session - Dantian Tu Na (Qigong) & afternoon session - Silk Reeling Exercise
- 8/10 - 8/11: Chen Taijiquan Xin Jia Yilu
Pre-registration: RSVP and registration with Irene Hu at ihu.taiji@gmail.com for dinner and workshop details.
Limited to 45 participants.
Covid-19 Policy: Please test before attending the event if you experience Covid symptoms.
If you tested positive, please refrain from attendance.
Host Organization: National Neigong Research Society (NNRS)
Signed waiver is required to attend the workshop.
Celebration dinner for Grandmaster CXW will be held 5:30pm on 8/11 Sunday after workshop. $40 per person. Location: Palo Alto. RSVP to Irene Hu at ihu.taiji@gmail.com for details.
Xin Jia Yilu review sessions with Sifu Tony prior to workshop:
- Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m., Mountain View: 7/9, 7/16 & 7/30
- Thursdays 6:30-8:00 p.m., Daly City: 7/11, 7/18 & 8/1
Cost: $20 per session if pre-registered by July 2. $25 cash per session after July 2. RSVP and registration with Irene Hu at ihu.taiji@gmail.com
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability.
Click here for:
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang's picture
2023, April 2 & April 16: Chen Style Taiji Push Hands Workshop - 5 Push-Hand patterns
Location: Laurelwood Park, San Mateo (right off Hwy 92)
- April 2 (Sunday): Morning Session 9-11:30 a.m.
- Fixed Step patterns (Single Hand and Double Hand): to learn the fundamental principles of Push Hands with he bu (cooperative step) position and synchronize the push hands circles with Peng, Lu, Ji and An energies and develop the ability to understand and listen for path of the energy with these 4 primary energies
- April 16 (Sunday): Morning Session 9-11:30 a.m.
- Moving Step pattern (Single Hands/Double Hands): to learn and practice the Single Hands/Double Hands pattern with he bu for advancing punch and retreating intercept
- Moving Step pattern (Double Hands): to learn and practice the Double Hands pattern with he bu for open/close with outward/inward circles for advancing and retreating cooperative step
- Moving Step pattern (Double Hand): to learn and practice the Double Hands pattern with shun bu (conforming step) with qinna postures/positions
- April 16 (Sunday): Afternoon Session 1-3:30 p.m.
- Da Peng Da Lu (extensive Peng extensive Lu) pattern with shun bu
- Jin Wu Tui Wu (advance five retreat five): advancing five steps while changing direction during the fourth and fifth steps
- Jin San Tui San (advance three retreat three): free step, also known as Lan Cai Hua (basket picking flower), or Luan Cai Hua (disorienting tread flower)
Cost: One session: $80, Two sessions: $150, Three sessions: $200
(Cash or check payable to Anthony Wong)
For registration and further details, email Kathleen at zkmc@yahoo.com
2023, February 11: Tai Chi Demonstration and Class with Irene Hu - YMCA Fundraiser Event
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Group Exercise Room, South Valley Family YMCA, 5632 San Teresa Blvd., San Jose, CA 95123
Donation based classes: Tai Chi with Irene, Body Fitness, Cycling, Body Balance, Body Pump.
'Fun'draiser open to all YMCA members and community. Chen Taiji Lao Jia Yilu Form and Chen Taiji Straight Sword Demonstrations. Learn Silk Reeling, Qigong and Taijiquan first-hand. Raffle prizes and snacks provided.
2023, January 29: Chen Style weapons demonstration at the Harkone Gardens Lunar New Year Festival
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Hakone Estate and Gardens at Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA 95070
See Hakone Gardens Lunar New Year Festival for details.
- Chen Style Hunyuan Taiji Broad Sword (Angela Ng-Quinn)
- Chen Family Taiji Straight Sword (Anthony Relator)
2021, February 28 (1-4pm) Integrate External Movement and Internal Energy Workshop, Part 2, with Master Tony Wong
Location: Virtual instruction (Zoom).
Review Wuji posture
Review cultivation of the 3 human treasures (Jing, Qi, Shen)
Continue with Hunyuan Qigong to cultivate, collect and direct internal energy flow
Practice Yiquan Test Strength Drills
San Ti Posture
Cost: $50 general public, $40 for previous workshop attendees and currently registered students of Sifu Tony.
PayPal/Zelle/ApplePay to Kathleen McCarty at zkmc@yahoo.com, or send check by Feb. 22, payable to Anthony Wong to: American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants on Feb. 27.
For registration and further details, see
ACTS 2021 Qigong Workshop with Master Tong Wong or email Kathleen at zkmc@yahoo.com.
For details see Announcement Flyer.
2020, December 6 (1-4pm) Integrate External and Internal Qigong Workshop with Master Tony Wong
Location: Virtual instruction (Zoom).
Cleanse the Internal Organs
Nuture the primoridal energy (Yuan Qi)
Cultivate the 3 human treasures (Jing, Qi, Shen)
Use visualization to initiate/guide the Qi
Cost: $50 general public, $40 for previous workshop attendees and currently registered students of Sifu Tony ($43 if paying by credit card).
PayPal to Kathleen McCarty at zkmc@yahoo.com, or send check payable to Anthony Wong to: American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants on Dec. 5.
For registration and further details, see
ACTS 2020 Qigong Workshop with Master Tong Wong or email Kathleen at zkmc@yahoo.com.
For details see Announcement Flyer.
2019, September 21 & 28 (4-6pm) and October 6 (9am-12noon & 2-5pm): Internal Strengthening Qigong Workshop (4 sessions) and Qigong Level 1 certification with Master Tony Wong
Location: Nine Star University, 441 Deguigne Dr. #201, Sunnyvale, CA.94085
Session 1 (9/21) 4pm - 6pm, cost $40:
- Wuji Qigong fundamental approach and techniques to recognize proper body alignments
Session 2 (9/28) 4pm - 6pm, cost $40:
- Hun Yuan Qigong fundamental approach and techniques to use external movements to search the center within and achieve internal balance
Session 3 (10/6) 9am - 12 noon, cost $50:
- Putting it together with San Cai Zhuang (三才樁) posture, and Taiji Zhuang or Zhong Ding Zhuang (中定樁) posture with Stillness within to achieve whole body fullness and integration
Session 4 (10/6) 2pm - 5pm, cost $50:
- Learn the principals behind movements within the stillness and basic body alignments for maximizing the energy flow
- Techniques to recognize and correct external body alignments to achieve internal balance through the natural equilibrium stage for maximize Qi flow
- Learn to teach this fundamental Qigong systems and able to connect this learning with other internal systems
Payment for all 4 sessions registration received by September 15 will get $20 discount. RSVP soon before workshop is full: Kathleen at zkmc@yahoo.com, (415) 200-9235.
Send check payable to Anthony Wong to: American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Qigong level I certification Prerequisite: Two years Taiji/Qigong training with Instructor recommendation and passed the written examination. Cost $50.
For registration and further details, see
ACTS Qigong Workshop with Master Tong Wong.
2019, April 30 and May 2: Hun Yuan Taijiquan demonstration and Qigong workshop by Master Feng Xiuqian (daughter of Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang)
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Cost: Demonstration is free. $40 cash per workshop if registered and paid by 4/27. $50 cash at door
Tue. April 30th location: Mountain View Senior Center - Social Hall, 266 Escuela Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040
Thurs. May 2nd location: Daly City Westlake Park Community Center, Doelger Center, Room 14, 145 Lake Merced Blvd. (cross street John Daly Blvd.), Daly City, CA 94015
Pre-registration: RSVP or email Irene Hu at ihu.taiji@gmail.com by 4/27 & bring $40 cash to classes, or just RSVP and pay $50 cash at the door
Hun Yuan Taiji system was created by the late Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang, a disciple of Chen Fake, that blends traditional Chen-style Taiji with Xinyi Quan.
2018, Summer Taiji Workshops (3 sessions): Eight Energies - An In-depth Exploration with Master Tony Wong
Dates: Sundays 8/5, 8/26 and 9/16
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: San Francisco Peninsula, TBA after pre-registration
Cost: $320 for series or $120 per day for general public; $280 for series or $100 per day or $55 per morning session or $150 for all morning sessions for ACTS affiliates. Cash preferred. $30 processing fee per check
Pre-registration: RSVP on line or email Yan Li at yli.taiji@gmail.com. Make Check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O.Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
The "Eight Energies", also called the "Eight Methods", are the elemental building blocks of Taijiquan movements.
These are: peng (to expand/ward off), lu (to divert/roll back), ji (to press), an (to push), cai (to pluck), lie (to split), zhou (to strike with the elbow), and kao (to lean/strike with the torso). The Eight Energies embody the essential dualities of Taijiquan: opening/closing and softness/hardness. The eight energy
drills can be practiced on their own both for the general health benefits of Taijiquan and as a training tool for Taijiquan as a martial art.
This 3-part workshop series is suitable for both Taijiquan beginners (no prior experience) and for experienced students interested in improving the quality of their movements in handforms and push hands. At the workshop, participants will 1) learn and grasp the Eight Energy drills discrete exercises and in a sequential flow, 2) explore and practice where and how each energy is expressed in the form sequences using select postures in Chen Family Taijiquan Laojia Yilu and Erlu, and 3) explore and practice how to apply the eight energies in pushhands through simple (and fun!) partner exercises.
- Aug 5: The Soft energies: Peng, Lu, Ji, An (外柔: 掤捋挤按)
- Aug 26: The Hard energies: Cai, Lie, Zhou, Kao (内刚: 采挒肘靠)
- Sept. 16: Balancing the Hard and Soft energies: Soft and Hard energy flows (刚柔相济)
- AM: drills and flow: led and self practice, mini lectures and Q&A and small group demos for feedback
- PM: application in forms and pushhands: lead and self practice, guided partner exercises and practice
2017, September 16: Chen Style Taiji demonstration at the Sunset District Autumn Moon Celebration
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Location: corner Walgreen parking lot at 22nd Avenue and Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94122.
- Chen Family Taiji Old Frame First Routine (Irene Hu, Penny Nii)
- Chen Style Hunyuan Taiji 24 Cannon Fist (Marlene Semense, Kyle Chan)
- Chen Family Taiji Old Frame Second Routine (David Choy)
- Chen Style Hunyuan Taiji Broad Sword (Jeff Wietzel)
- Chen Family Taiji Straight Sword (Irene Hu)
- Chen Family Taiji Guan Dao (Eduardo Horvath)
2017, September 4: Xingyi Quan (形意拳, Five Elements Fist) and YiQuan (意拳) Workshop with Master Tony Wong
Time: 8:30 am - 11:00 am
Location: San Francisco Peninsula, TBA after pre-registration.
Cost: $50 if pre-registered by September 2. After September 2, additional $10 per person, cash only. Special rate for Certified ACTS Instructors and current Saturday classes students.
Pre-registration: RSVP and registration with Irene Hu at irene.hu@gmail.com required. Location details available upon registration completion.
Master Tony Wong has learned Xingyi Quan and YiQuan from Grandmaster Chen ZhengZhong (陳正中), disciple of Grandmaster Ning DaChun (寧大椿) who had taught Fu JianQiu's (傅剑秋 - 河北形意拳) Hebei Xingyi Quan and Wang XiangZhai's (王薌齋) YiQuan.
2017, Spring workshops (4 sessions): Basic 8 energies and Application Drills with Master Tony Wong
Session-1 (2/26/2017) 9am to 12 noon, pre-register by February 18
Session-2 (4/2/2017) 9am to 12 noon: pre-register by March 25
Session-3 (5/7/2017) 9am to 12 noon: pre-register by April 29
Session-4 (5/28/2017) 9am to 12 noon: pre-register by May 20
Prerequisite: Session 1 - open to all levels. Sessions 2 to 4 - open to participants who have completed the entire Laojia Yilu sequence.
Session 1: Practice 8 energies drills for the first 2 hours with particular focus on body alignment, coordination, weight shifting with stepping to build root strength, connecting and balance. The last hour will be spent practicing Wuji stand and correct body alignment to achieve natural equilibrium stage, then work on standing posture with intention leading to whole body integration.
Cost: $50 if paid by pre-registration date, additional $10 after; cash only at the door.
Sessions 2, 3 and 4: We will divide the Lao Jia Yilu into 3 sections. First hour of each workshop session will go over the details of each section of the Lao Jia Yilu form then analyze applications of that section with practice in pairs for the remaining 2 hours. We will drill in depth on a few selected applications and go over the relationships of those applications in spar and push hands situations and learn how to make it work. Cost per workshop: $50 if paid by workshop pre-registration date, additional $10 after; cash only at the door. Payment can be made at $50 per workshop, or $150 by Feb 18 to attend all four sessions.
Email Kathleen at zkmc@yahoo.com for RSVP and workshop details. Cash preferable or Make checks payable to: Kathleen McCarty. Location information will be sent upon payment received.
2016, November 6: Lao Jia Applications Donation Event with Master Tony Wong
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Location: McKenzie Park, 707 Fremont Ave., Los Altos, CA 94024
Suggested Donation: $60
Pre-registration: RSVP on line or email irene.hu@gmail.com by November 3. Make Check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O.Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Fund-raising event for Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou Memorial Park construction. Additional donations accepted.
2016, November 4: Taiji with Master Tony Wong at Stanford Hoover Tower Carillon Concert
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:10 pm
Location: Dohrmann Grove (outdoor area next to Hoover Tower), Stanford University
Cost: free
2016, June 25-26: Qigong Workshop with Professor Limin Qu
Time: 9:00 - 11:30 am & 2:00 - 4:30 pm
Location: South Bay, TBA after pre-registration.
Cost: $220 both days or $120 one day, if payment received by June 17. After June 17, additional $20 per person, cash only.
Pre-registration: Limited to 30 participants. RSVP on line and follow payment instructions.
Workshop instruction:
- Yi Jin Jing (Tendon-Muscle Strengthing Qigong) - focuses on turning and flexing the spine to improves flexibility, balance and muscular strength. This twelve-section routine is a contemporary compilation and features soft, extended, even movements that invigorate the limbs and internal organs.
- Liu Zi Jue (Six Healing Sounds) - a qigong routine that regulates the rise and fall of Qi (vital energy) through the inhalation and exhalation of six sounds. The routine aims to strengthen the liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys, thus helping to balance the energy and functions of the internal organs, exert a calming effect and alleviate stress.
Professor Limin Qu: Associate Professor of Chinese Medicine at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Courtesy Professor at Zhejiang University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Special Consultant at Tsinghua University and President of Beijing Tian Ren Yi Yi Chinese Medicine Research Institute. Several of Professor Qu’s books and lecture series on Chinese medicine and health traditions have been featured on national television, including the widely popular “Four Traditional Qigong Methods”, the “Huangdi Neijing Wisdom” series, “Healthy Living in Four Seasons”, “Ten Days on Healthy Living” and “Talking about Health from Head to Toe”.
2016, May 21: Push Hands Workshop with Master Chen Bing
Time: 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Location: South Bay, TBA after pre-registration.
Cost: $60 if pre-registed by May 14. After May 14, additional $10 per person, cash only.
Pre-registration: Limited to 30 participants. RSVP on line.
Make Check payable to: George Lau & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation direct descendant of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou.
2016, March: Master Chen Youze Workshops
March 20, Chen Taiji Pushhands Patterns and Application
Chen Taiji Pushhands patterns in the morning and Pushhands applications in the afternoon.
Time: 9am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm
Location: TBA after pre-registration.
Cost: Pre-registration by March 12 - $120 for one day or $70 for half day. After March 12, additional $20 per person. Bring CASH to workshop if check not received by March 12.
March 26-27, Chen Taiji Lao Jia Jian (straight sword)
Time: 9am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm
Location: TBA after pre-registration.
Cost: Pre-registration by March 19 - $220 for both days or $120 for one day. After March 19, additional $20 per person. Bring CASH to workshop if check not received by March 19.
Registration: Limited to 30 participants. RSVP and registration with Irene Hu at irene.hu@gmail.com required. Location details available upon registration completion. Make Check payable to: George Lau & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Get-together dinner with Master Chen Youze, for participants from both workshops, is scheduled on March 27, at 5:30pm. Restaurant - TBD; Estimated cost: $25; RSVP to Irene at irene.hu@gmail.com for the dinner and location by morning of workshop.
Master Chen Youze: a 20th Generation direct descendant of Chen Family Taijiquan and the eldest son of Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou. He is a three-time national confrontational push-hand champion, a China National coach, and is Competition Judge for China national wushu forms, weapons and Chen Style push hands. He was also appointed as the Head Instructor for Guan Dao team in Chen Village for the first Annual International Taijiquan Conference. He is widely acknowledged for his distinctive Fa Jin power. Click Zun Gu Taijiquan demo and Guandao and Push Hands demo for coverage on Master Chen Youze from a recent visit.
2016,February 27: Chen Style Taiji demonstration at the Bay Area, Millbrae Chinese New Year Street Fair
Time: 11:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Millbrae Library parking lot: 1 Library Ave., Millbrae, CA 94030.
- Chen Family Taiji Old Frame First Routine (Lisa Vestal, Sheryl Carver, Kathleen McCarthy)
- Chen Style Hunyuan Taiji 24 Cannon Fist (Stella Cheung)
- Chen Taiji Straight Sword (Irene Hu, Angela Ng, Kyle Chan, Derek Truong)
- Chen Taiji Sphere and Silk Reeling Exercises (Eduardo Horvath, Ryu Cheng, Kitty Lee, Robert Leong, Helen Leong)
- Chen Style Hunyuan Taiji Broad Sword (Doug Henry)
- Chen Taiji Eight Energy and Pushhands (Yan Li, Brenda Liongson, Ryu Cheng, Derek Truong)
2015, October 13: Official Taiji Day Group Practice and Filming
Official Taiji Day is October 18th in China. Wenxian government is spending $2 million dollars to promote Taiji around the world and will be filming the Bay Area group at
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Mountain View Recreation Center, Ground Floor, Auditorium, 201 Rengstorf Ave. (cross St. Central Expressway).
Please come join the group practice Chen Taiji (any style) with your school and friends. Dress in Taiji uniform, if you have it. Bring your school, group and friends to join and promote Taiji together. It will be broadcasted on October 18th across the world.
2015, October 10-11: Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang, Standard Bearer of Chen Taiji, will be teaching the complete Xin Jia ErLu Pao Chui (New Frame Second form).
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon & 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., both days.
Celebration dinner for Grandmaster CXW's 70 years old birthday will be held on 10/11 Sunday after workshop. $25/person. RSVP to Irene Hu at irene.hu@gmail.com for dinner and workshop details.
Location: Palo Alto/Los Altos area.
Cost: Pre-registration by Oct. 2 - $240 for both days or $140 for one day. After Oct. 2, additional $20 per person, cash only at the door.
Registration:Limited to 30 participants. Send in your payment ASAP to reserve your space. Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035
Xin Jia Pao Chui review sessions with Sifu Tony prior to workshop, location TBA:
- Session 1 (postures 1-25): Fri. 9/18, 4 - 7pm
- Session 2 (postures 26-50): Sat. 9/26, 3 - 6pm
- Session 3 (postures 51-71): Sun. 9/27, 9 am -12 noon
- Final Session (overall review): Sun. 10/4, 9 am - 12 noon
Cost: $50 for 1 session, $80 for 2 sessions, $110 for 3 sessions or $140 for all 4 sessions.
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability.
Click here for:
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang's picture
2015, May 9: Mother's Day Celebration
Chen Taiji Performance Program:
Chen Taiji Lao Jia Yilu Form (old frame first routine) by Valerie Wong.
Chen Taiji Hunyuan Dao (saber) Group Set by Irene Hu, Penny Nii, Angela Ng, Kyle Chan, Marlene Semense, Valerie Wong and Derek Truong.
Chen Taiji Xinjia (new frame) Jian (sword) by Doug Henry.
Chen Taiji Laojia Dao (saber) by Derek Troung.
Chen Taiji pushhands by Ryu Cheng and Sam Chan. Performance at
Cupertino Memorial Park (corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Mary Ave) at 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2015, March-April: Master Chen Youze Workshop
3/6 - 3/18 Columbus, Ohio
Host and RSVP: Jeff Radcliff, Chen Taiji of Ohio
(614) 579-8020 http://www.taijiohio.com
- 3/6 - 3/7 Arnold Sport Festival: Push Hands Workshop and Demo & VIP
- 3/8 (9 am - 5 pm) Tuttle Park - Lao Jia workshop with some Push Hands
- 3/2 - 3/10 Advanced Push Hands drill and Erlu (Pao Chui)
- 3/11 Central Ohio Push Hands Club: Instruction and Guidance
- 3/12 Chen Taiji of Ohio Class at Tuttle
- 3/13 Push Hands drills and Form review
- 3/14 - 3/15 Tuttle Park - Lao Jia workshop with Push Hands
3/24 - 3/31 Austin, Texas
Host and RSVP: Scott Prath at scottprath@gmail.com,
(512) 423-7721 http://www.austinchentaichi.com
- 3/28 - 3/29 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon; 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Chen Taiji 26 Movement $200 both days
Bay Area:
Master Chen Youze will be teaching two public workshops in the SF Bay Area.
March 21-22, Chen Taiji Spear ("Pear Blossom Spear") & Pole-Shaking
Pear Blossom Spear, also called "Pear Blossom Spear with White Ape Staff", is a long-weapon set in Chen Style Taiji. It combines the advantages of both the spear (e.g., linear thrusts) and the staff (e.g., wide-range sweeps) with the essential Chen Taiji principles of spiraling and stickiness, resulting in a unique and versatile set of applications. Participants are expected to bring their own spear.
Pole-Shaking is a unique training method in Chen Taiji for cultivating internal explosive power and endurance. Participants who do not have a taiji pole may use their spear for this part of the workshop.
Time: 9am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm; Location: TBA after pre-registration.
Cost: Pre-registration by March 16 - $220 for both days or $120 for one day. After March 16, additional $20 per person. Bring CASH to workshop if check not received by March 16.
Registration: Limited to 30 participants. RSVP and registration with Sifu Tony required. Make Check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
*** Beginners are required to take the following preview classes:
With Master Chen Youze: Friday, March 20, 3-5pm, McKenzie Park, Los Altos. Cost: $30 with pre-registration for March 21/22 workshop; $40 without pre-registration.
April 4-5, 26-Posture Form and 8 Energy Drills
Chen Style 26-Posture Form was developed from traditional Chen forms as an introductory form and is a great tool for reviewing and refining some of the most fundamental elements of old style Chen Taiji. The form is composed of 26 postures (as its name suggests) and takes about 3-5 minutes to perform. This two-day workshop will teach the 26-Posture Form from the beginning to the end. Participants will also learn and practice the 8 energy drills with "fajin" as supplementary training.
Time: 9am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm; Location: TBA after pre-registration.
Cost: Pre-registration by March 30 - $220 for both days or $120 for one day. After March 30, additional $20 per person. Bring CASH to workshop if check not received by March 30.
Workshop is full. Registration has been officially closed as of 3/28 due to overwhelming response.
*** A thank-you & farewell dinner with Master Chen Youze, for participants from both March and April workshops, is scheduled on April 5, at 5:30pm. Restaurant - TBD; Estimated cost: $20-30; RSVP to Irene at irene.hu@gmail.com for the dinner and location by morning of workshop.
Master Chen Youze: a 20th Generation direct descendant of Chen Family Taijiquan and the eldest son of Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou. He is a three-time national confrontational push-hand champion, a China National coach, and is Competition Judge for China national wushu forms, weapons and Chen Style push hands. He was also appointed as the Head Instructor for Guan Dao team in Chen Village for the first Annual International Taijiquan Conference. He is widely acknowledged for his distinctive Fa Jin power. Click Zun Gu Taijiquan demo and Guandao and Push Hands demo for coverage on Master Chen Youze from a recent visit.
2014, Aug 17: Master Tony Wong Workshops
Location: Laurelwood Park at 3471 Glendora Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403.
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.: Xin Jia Review Workshop
This review is set up for current Xin Jia students to catch up from beginning of the form to first "Cover the Hand Punch" or third "Jin Gang Pounds with the Pestle" movement.
- Free for students currently registered for the monthly Sunday Xin Jia class.
- $20/person for the public.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Wuji and Hunyuan Qigong Workshop
Master Wong will be presenting Wuji Qigong to align 3 major acupressure points to achieve optimal body posture and maximize internal energy flow. He will also be presenting Hunyuan Qigong to help students use external movements to guide the internal energy.
- Free and open to the public.
2014, May - Master Chen Bing Workshop
Friday - 5/16/2014 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.: Push Hands Workshop
- Location: Daly City, CA
- Cost: Pre-registration by May 11: $30 per person. After May 11: $40 per person, cash only at the door.
- Registration: Limited to 30 participants.
Sunday - 5/18/2014 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.: Xin Jia Yi Lu Review Workshop
- Location: San Mateo, CA
- Cost: Pre-registration by May 11: $60 per person. After May 11: $70 per person, cash only at the door.
- Registration: Limited to 30 participants.
Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Xin Jia review class with Sifu Tony on May 11, 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Daly City Westlake Park Community Center, 101 Lake Merced Blvd., Daly City, CA 94015. Cost is $20 for workshop attendees not in Tony's regular Sunday Xin Jia review class, $30 for public and FREE for students already attending Tony's regular Sunday Xin Jia review class.
Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation direct descendant of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou.
2014, May 10: Mother's Day Celebration
Chen Taiji Performance Program - Chen Taiji Lao Jia Form (Mountain View group), Lao Jia Dao (Anthony Cheung), Chen Style Hun Yuan 48 Form (YMCA group), Taiji Spear (Jeff Weitzel), Taiji Bang (Vivian and Irene). Cupertino Memorial Park (corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Mary Ave) at 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2014, February-March: Master Chen Youze Workshop
2/24 - 2/25 Bay Area, CA
- 2/24 (Daly City Rec. Ctr.), 2/25 (Mountain View Rec. Ctr.)
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Lao Jia Pao Chui Review
Prerequisite: Attedent must have learned Lao Jia Pao Chui form before
8:30 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. Taiji Demo
2/27 - 3/11 Columbus, Ohio
Host and RSVP: Jeff Radcliff, Chen Taiji of Ohio
(614) 579-8020 http://www.taijiohio.com
- 2/28 - 3/1 Arnold Sport Festival: Award Recipient from Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Chen Tai Chi Performance is main martial art attraction on main stage.
Push Hands Workshop on both days, 7-9 p.m.
- 3/2 - 3/7 Chen Tai Chi classes at Chen Taiji of Ohio
- 3/8 - 3/9 Workshops at Tuttle Recreation Center, Ohio
3/12 - 3/17 Austin, Texas
Host and RSVP: Scott Prath at scottprath@gmail.com,
Michael Monte at srmikey@gmail.com
(512) 423-7721 http://www.austinchentaichi.com
- 3/15 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon Silk Reeling
Combine internal and external energy to increase your health, balance and power.
2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Qi Gong
Align your breath, movement, and awareness in these exercises for healing and meditation.
- 3/16 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon 8 Energies
Learn how the Chinese categorize our movement and power into 8 distinct energies.
2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Martial Application of 8 Energies
3/19 and 3/20 Bay Area Special Demonstrations
3/19 8:30 p.m. : College of San Mateo, Bldg 8, Room(Gym) 203. Parking ($2)
3/20 noon: Stanford University, Stanford Medical School Office Building
3/22 - 3/23 Bay Area, CA
Workshop is full. Registration has been officially closed as of 3/19 due to overwhelming response
Host and RSVP: Sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. daily.
Location: Mid-Peninsula area. RSVP Sifu Tony for details.
Cost: Pre-registration by March 15 - $220 for both days or $120 for one day. After March 15, additional $20 per person. Bring CASH to workshop if check not received by March 15.
Registration: Limited to 30 participants. RSVP and registration with Sifu Tony required. Make Check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Workshop Instruction: Master Chen Youze will be teaching Chen Style Lao Jia Taiji and applications in the morning, 8 energies drill and 5 patterns of Chen Taiji Push hand drills in the afternoon.
Get together dinner after the workshop: March 23, 5:30 pm. Restaurant - TBD; Cost: $20; RSVP to Irene at irene.hu@gmail.com for the dinner and location by morning of workshop.
Master Chen Youze: a 20th Generation direct descendant of Chen Family Taijiquan and the eldest son of Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou. He is a three-time national confrontational push-hand champion, a China National coach, and is competition judge for China national wushu forms, weapons and Chen Style push hands. He is widely acknowledged for his distinctive Fa Jin power. Click
Zun Gu Taijiquan demo and Guandao and Push Hands demo for coverage on Master Chen Youze from a recent visit.
2013, August 31: Chen Taiji performance at 2013 Sing Tao Expo
Time: 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Dance floor area at San Mateo Event Center, 2495 S. Delaware St., San Mateo, CA 94403
Cost: included in $1 Admission Fee to Sing Tao Expo
Chen Taiji Performance Program:
- Chen Taiji Lao Jia Pao Chui
- Chen Taiji Lao Jia YiLu
- Chen Style Hun Yuan 48 Form
- Taiji Sphere
- Taiji Bang
- Taiji Push Hands drills
2013,August 6, 13, 27 and September 3: Five patterns of Chen Taiji Push Hands Workshop with Master Tony Wong
Tuesday - 8/6/2013 from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m.: Single Hand Push Hands with Cooperative Step (he bu) to develop contact (zhan), connect (lian), stick (nian) and follow (sui) energies
- Single Hand Push Hand with detail breakdown to manifest and issue springy Peng, Lu, Ji and An energies during the pushing circle
- sense, feel and neutralize your partner's on-coming force to develop the Zhan, Lian, Nian and Sui energies
- proper alignment of body position to maximize issuing of force and effectively neutralize incoming force to maintain body center and balance during Push Hand exercises
Tuesday - 8/13/2013 from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m.: Double Hand with Cooperative Step (he bu) and Advance/Retreat Stepping
- four primary energies (peng, lu, ji, an) Push Hand drills
- align body posture, correct hand positions, timing and techniques
- moving and sensing with proper posture and intention to ready for competitive sparring
- learn relationship of Push Hands and Taiji form practice to come to self-realization of maintaining balance and focus during the exercises
Tuesday - 8/20/2013 from 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.: No lesson. Self Study to develop the four Push Hand energies.
Tuesday - 8/27/2013 from 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.: Double Hand with Conforming Step (shun bu), Extensive Peng Extensive Lu (Da Peng Da Lu) and application drills
- basic Chen style Taiji Push Hand patterns - Conforming Step drills
- timing, positioning for sparring, sensing and neutralizing movements during shun bu Push Hands
- introduction to Da Peng Da Lu (extensive Peng extensive Lu) to strengthen kua and increase range of movement
- application drills will be taught to facilitate student's understanding of how to maintain proper energies during Moving Step drill
Tuesday - 9/3/2013 from 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.: Free Stepping, Eight energy Push Hand drills and application drills
- Advance Five / Retreat Five (Jin Wu Tui Wu) Stepping while changing direction during the fourth and fifth steps to develop coordination and sensitivity during Moving Step drill
- Advance Three / Retreat Three (Jin San Tui San) Stepping aka Lan Cai Hua (Basket Picking Flower) for Free Stepping training and gear towards martial application, better agility and faster reaction to counter on-coming energies
- introduction to Eight Energy Push Hand drills to enable students to identify the four Primary Energies (peng, lu, ji, an) and the four Auxilliary Energies (cai, lie, zhou, kao)
- review application drills from previous classes
Location: Mountain View. Contact Irene at irene.hu@gmail.com for details.
Cost: $60 (pay at first session) for all four sessions or $20 for individual session.
2013, July 13-14: 42 Fajin Techniques Workshop with Master Zhu Tiancai
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. each day.
Location: In the mid peninsula area. RSVP to Sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com and he will send you the detail information.
Cost: Pre-registration by June 29: $220 for both days or $120 for one day. After June 29: additional $20 per person; bring CASH to workshop if check not received in mail by July 6.
Registration: Limited to 30 participants: RSVP and registration are required to Sifu Tony. Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Master Zhu Tiancai: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; one of the "Four Warriors" from the Chen Village. He started learning from Grandmaster Chen Zhaopi and Grandmaster Chen Zhaokui from a very young age. His performance of Chen Taijiquan forms is described as "smooth flowing" and "soft," reaching his audience with beauty and relaxation. With over fifty years of teaching experience, Grandmaster Zhu has compiled a set of teaching methodologies useful for both beginners and professionals. Click
here for a Kung Fu Magazine article on Master Zhu Tiancai.
2013, June 22 and 23: Xin Jia Yilu (first form) and Push Hands Workshop with Master Chen Bing
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Xin Jia Yilu) & 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Push Hands) each day.
Location: In the mid-peninsular area. RSVP to Sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com and he will send you the detail information after registration.
Cost: Pre-registration by June 8: $200 for both days or $120 per day or $70 per individual section. After June 8: additional $20 per person. Cash only at the door.
Registration: Limited to 30 participants. RSVP and registration are required to Sifu Tony.
Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
Get together dinner after the workshop: June 23, 6pm. Restaurant - TBD; Cost:$20; RSVP to Irene at Irene.hu@gmail.com for the dinner and the location on the morning of workshop.
Xin Jia review class with Sifu Tony on June 9, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ($20 for pre-registered workshop attendees, $30 for public) at Los Altos McKenzie Park, 707 Fremont Avenue, Los Altos.
Special guest appearance with Master Chen 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm on June 20 at Daly City Westlake Park Community Center, Room 14, 101 Lake Merced Blvd., Daly City. Master Chen will explain the fundamentals of Taiji Quan and illustrate how to apply the principles of stance and Silk Reeling to Taiji practice. He will also perform the Xin Jia YiLu form.
Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation direct descendant of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou.
2013, June 3: Special Guest Visit from Master Tian Qiuxin
Demonstration of Xin Jia Chen Taijiquan and Q/A Session at 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in Daly City Westlake Park Community Center, Room 14, 101 Lake Merced Blvd., Daly City, CA. $10 contribution for guest appearance.
Master Tian Qiuxin: 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan from Beijing; nephew of Master Tian Xiuchen, a famous disciple of Grandmaster Chen Fake.
2013, May 29: Special Guest Visit from Master Zhu Tiancai
Demonstration of Chen Taijiquan at 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in College of San Mateo, 1700 West Hillsdale Blvd., Bldg 8, Room 203, San Mateo, CA 94402
Master Zhu Tiancai: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; one of the "Four Warriors" from the Chen Village. He started learning from Grandmaster Chen Zhaopi and Grandmaster Chen Zhaokui from a very young age. His performance of Chen Taijiquan forms is described as "smooth flowing" and "soft," reaching his audience with beauty and relaxation. With over fifty years of teaching experience, Grandmaster Zhu has compiled a set of teaching methodologies useful for both beginners and professionals. Click
2012,September 1 and 2:Xin Jia Yilu and Push Hands Workshop with Master Tony Wong
Saturday - 9/1/2012 from 2:30 to 6:00 p.m.:
-Complete SRE review and applications -Eight energy drills -Xinjia Yilu review from the beginning (last one hour)
Sunday - 9/2/2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. -Xinjia Yilu (continued - 1.5 hours) -Pushhands (Chen Taiji 5 patterns)
Sunday- 9/2/2012 from 1:30 - 5:00 p.m.: -Xinjia Yilu (continued - 1.5 hours) -Pushhands (Chen Taiji 5 patterns)
The Xin Jia Yilu that will be taught in this workshop is the direct version from Master Chen Xiaowang without any derivations. Sifu Tony wants to emphasize the Xin Jia Yilu in this workshop so we have more people ready for Master Chen Xiaowang's Xin Jia Pao Chui next year.
Location:McKenzie Park in Los Altos (http://goo.gl/maps/NZHU8)
Fee: $150 for all sessions or $60 per half-day session if paid by August 28, 2012. Additional $20 if paid after August 28, 2012.
RSVP:Contact Irene at irene.hu@gmail.com for registration or call Sifu Tony Wong at (415) 378-8661 for more information.
Send check before 8/28/2012 and make check payable to: Tony Wong
American Chen Taiji Society P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
2012, June 10: Xin Jia Yilu (first form) Workshop with Master Chen Bing
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $50 before June 4, 2012. Additional $20 at the door.
Location: McKenzie Park - 707 Fremont Avenue, Los Altos, CA 94024
Registration Contact: Xian Na (Galina) xian-na@hotmail.com
Instructions: Chen Style Taijiquan Xin Jia "yi lu" (first form) and applications.
Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou.
2011, Oct. 8-9: Xin Jia Pao Chui Workshop with Grand Master Chen Xiaowang
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang, Standard Bearer of Chen Taiji, will be teaching the complete Xin Jia ErLu Pao Chui (New Frame Second form).
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability.
*Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. both days
*Location: St. Mark's Episcopal Church (Parish Hall), 600 Colorado Avenue (two blocks from Middlefield Rd. & next to Hoover Park), Palo Alto, CA 94306
*Cost: $220 for both days or $120 for one day
*Capacity:Limited to 30 participants: Send in your payment ASAP to reserve your space.
*Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035
2011, May 10:Yiquan Workshop with Master Chen Zhengzhong (aka Chan Ching Chung)
Master Chen is the student of Chen Zhaokui in Chen Style Taijiquan and Ning Dazhuang in Yang Taiji and Yiquan (I-chuan). Chen Zhengzhong is from Wang Xianzhai's lineage. He is also the Vice-President of the Hong Kong Yiquan Society. This workshop will cover the fundamental theory and exercises of Zhan Zhuang (standing post postures), Shi Li (Testing the strength exercise), and Moca Bu (friction stepping for strength development). Basic Xinyi (5 elements) practice may be covered if time allows. Chen Zhengzhong is a very direct and open martial artist with practical approach just like how Wang Xianzhai's original intent of creating Yiquan system. NO Kong Jin (empty force) will be taught in this workshop.
*Time: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
*Location: St. Mark's Episcopal Church (Parish Hall), 600 Colorado Avenue (two blocks from Middlefield Rd. & next to Hoover Park), Palo Alto, CA 94306
*Cost: $80
*Capacity:Limited to 30 participants: Send in your payment ASAP to reserve your space.
*Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035
Additional workshop on May 17, 2011 (Tuesday night):
*Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
*Location: 1314 Lincoln Ave, Suit 2B, San Jose, CA 95125(Downtown Willow Glen) Workshop located on the second floor and parking is in the back.
*Cost: $50
Get together dinner after the workshop:
*Capacity: Limited to 30 participants. Send in your payment ASAP to reserve your space OR bring CASH to the door.
Click here for more information on Master Chen Zhengzhong:
Grandmaster Chen Zhengzhong
2010, September 4, 5, and 6:Xin Jia Erlu (Pao Chui) Workshop with Master Tony Wong
Time: Day 1( 9/4/2010): 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Day 2 and Day 3 (9/5 and 9/6): 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
Cost: $50 half day; $100 full day or $220 for all three days before 8/31/10. Additional $20 at the door.
Location: In the mid peninsula area. RSVP with Kiyoko and she will send you the detail information.
Instructions:Review Chen Style Taijiquan Xin Jia "yi lu" (complete first form) on Day 1 (9/4). Xin Jia Erlu (pao Chui) will be taught on Day 2 and Day 3 (9/5 and 9/6). The Xin Jia Taiji system will be taught in this workshop is the direct version from Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang without any derivations.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of Xin Jia Yilu form up to 1st "single whip" posture. For those of you who would like to attend this special Xin Jia Er Lu Workshop, but are not familiar with the Xin Jia form, you can attend Sifu Tony's (Day 1) Xin Jia review class on Saturday, September 4th, and learn up to "single whip". Or join the review class for Xin Jia Yilu (first form) with Sifu Tony on 8/22 Sunday: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. ($20 for public) at Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Daly City.
Registration: Limited to 20 participants.
Contact Kiyoko at: yourfriendkiyoko@mac.com for registration or call sifu Tony at at (415) 378-8661 for more information.
Send Check (before 8/31/10) payable to:
Tony Wong
American Chen Taiji Society
P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035
Click here for: Sifu Tony's picture
2010, May 15 - 16: Xin Jia Workshop with Master Chen Bing
Time: 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $120 per day or $200 for two days before 5/11/10. Additional $20 after 5/11 or at the door.
Location: In the mid peninsula area. RSVP with Sifu Tony and he will send you the detail information.
Instructions: Chen Style Taijiquan Xin Jia "yi lu" (first form) and applications. First half of the form on 5/15 and second half of the form on 5/16.
Review class with Sifu Tony on 5/9, 10 a.m. to noon ($20 for public) at Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Daly City.
Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou.
Click here for picture of: Tony and Master Chen Bing
Registration is limited to 20 participants. ***Registration required***
Email: sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com or call (415) 378-8661 for more information.
Send Check (before 5/11/10) payable to:
Tony Wong
American Chen Taiji Society
P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035
2010, April 25:Lao Jia Yilu second half review at 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Farewell dinner at 6 p.m. Restaurant - TBD; Cost:$20; RSVP to Tony for the dinner and the location on the morning of workshop.
2010, March 13 - March 14:Lao Jia Chen Taiji and Taiji Sphere Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou
Location: Willow Glen United Methodist Church, 1420 Newport Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125
Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou will be in the US in March and April. More workshops locations and details TBA later.
Contact Sifu Tony wongwaiyi@hotmail.com for more details for 3/13 and 3/14 workshops. $220 for both days, $120 for one day.
9am-11:30am in the morning and 2:00pm to 4:30pm in the afternoon. Bring cash to workshop.
Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou, nineteenth-generation successor and direct descendant of Chen Family Taijiquan Gong Fu Frame, believes that Traditional Chen Family Taijiquan is a treasure of China and should belong to the world. It is his goal to preserve this old ancient martial art, Lao Jia Chen Taijiquan and pass it down to the next generations "unchanged" as it was passed down to him from his teacher, Grandmaster Chen Zhaopei.
2009, August 29 & 30:Workshop with Master Chen Xiaowang
Chen Xiaowang, Standard Bearer of Chen Taiji, will be teaching:
The complete original Chen Style Xin Jia Yi Lu (New Frame First Form)
*Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. each day
*Location: St. Mark's Episcopal Church (Parish Hall), 600 Colorado Ave. (two blocks from Middlefield Rd. & next to Hoover Park), Palo Alto, 94306
*Cost: $220 for both days or $120 for one day. Bring CASH (additional $20 cost if paid after 8/22) to workshop if check not received in mail by 8/22/09 or bring check to McKenzie Park on 8/22/09 between 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
**Capacity:Limited to 30 participants: RSVP and registration are required to Nathan Ng at artoftaiji@gmail.com.
**Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
***Special close group get together is arranged for Master Chen's out of town disciples and workshop hosts (e-mail Sifu Tony for more information)
***Special Dinner after workshop (6:00 p.m.) on August 30: Cost is $30 per person. RSVP to Nathan at artoftaiji@gmail.com Nathan will let you know the location of the restaurant in Palo Alto.
***Short Xin Jia review classes ($20 per class) are available on 7/19/09 and 8/16/09 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Daly City, CA.
Master Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. Master Chen Xiaowang began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability. Master Chen Xiaowang will be teaching the Chen Style Xin Jia Yi Lu, and applications at the workshop. Chen Style Taiji Xin Jia Yi Lu was created in a more systematic way by the legendary 17th Generation Grandmaster Chen Fake, based on the principle and movements of the Lao Jia Yi Lu in combination with his lifetime martial art experience. The Xin Jia system was brought back to Chen Village by Chen Zhaokui to spread this new system, which has more obvious circles, storing and releasing powering with very graceful movements. Don't miss the chance to learn the original Xin Jia first form that Master Chen Xiaowang learned from his uncle, Chen Zhaokui. Click here for:
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang's picture
2009, March - April:Master Chen Youze Workshop
Master Chen Youze: a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged for his distinctive Fa Jing power; Three-time national confrontational push-hand champion; National coach, and son of Master Chen Qingzhou, will be teaching Chen Style Lao Jia Taiji, Applications, 5 kinds Chen Taiji Push hand drills, pole shaking and basic 8 energies training.
You can email Sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com or call (415) 378-8661 for all SF Bay Area workshops and/or to arrange an out-of-state workshop during the months of March and April.Click here for Master Chen Youze's workshop schedules and biography:
Master Chen Youze's Workshop Schedules & Biography
2009, February 27:Chen Taiji Lao Jia Performance at the 2nd Annual YogaPalooza at Stanford University
Master Tony Wong will perform Chen Taiji Lao Jia First Form and lead the group to practice four primary energy of Taiji at this event.
Location: Stanford University - Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation
Time: 3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
This is one of Stanford BeWell's all campus events. Stanford invites students, faculty, staff and friends to come together to experience an Unwind Event together.
2009, February 22:Taiji Stress Release Workshop
Location: Stanford University - Rodin Garden (next to Cantor Arts Center/Museum) Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
There will be a 2-hour long workshop held by Nathan Ng to help students of Stanford University take a break from studying for midterms. There will be continuous 15-20 minute sessions throughout the two hours so that students can drop by and participate in the stress release exercises at their convenience. Each 15-20 minute session will consist of the following exercises:
Silk Reeling Exercises (SRE) 4 energy drills Standing Meditiation
Students are welcome to stay for as many sessions as they would like. These exercises will help the students relieve their stress, feel more energized and be more mentally focused. All are welcome to join and participate in this event!
2008, October 4 - 5:Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang
Chen Xiaowang, Standard Bearer of Chen Taiji, will be teaching:
- Chen Style Xinjia First Form and Applications - Oct. 4
- Chen Style Qigong and Introduction of Xinjia Second Form (Pao Chui) - Oct. 5
*Date: October 4 and October 5
*Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. each day
*Location: Willow Glen United Methodist Church (Kohlstedt Hall)- 1420 Newport Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
*Cost: $220 for both days or $120 for one day. Bring CASH (additional $20 for late payment) to workshop if check not received in mail by 9/26/08 or bring check to McKenzie Park on 9/28/08 between 9:00-10:30 a.m.
**Limited to 30 participants: RSVP and registration are required. Click here to download a registration brochure:
Registration Brochure
** Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
***Special close group get together is arranged for Master Chen's out of town disciples and workshop hosts (e-mail Sifu Tony for more information)
***Special Dinner after workshop (6:00 p.m.) on October 5: Cost is $30 per person. Location: Taiwan Restaurant, 1306 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, (408) 289-8800
***Short Xin Jia review classes ($20 per class) are available on 9/21/08 at 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Daly City AND on 9/28/08 at 9:00-10:30 a.m. at McKenzie Park, 707 Fremont Avenue, Los Altos, CA 94024 (Park next to tennis court and walk toward playground)
Master Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. He began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability.
Click here for:
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang's picture
2008, July - August:Master Chen Youze Workshop
Master Chen Youze: a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged for his distinctive Fa Jing power; Three-time national confrontational push-hand champion; National coach, and son of Master Chen Qingzhou, will be teaching Chen Style Lao Jia Taiji, Applications, 5 kinds Chen Taiji Push hand drills, pole shaking and basic 8 energies training.
You can email Sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com or call (415) 378-8661 for all SF Bay Area workshops and/or to arrange an out-of-state workshop during the months of July and August.Click here for Master Chen Youze's workshop schedules and biography:
Master Chen Youze's Workshop Schedules & Biography
2008, May 25:Taiji Sphere and Taiji Bang (Ruler) Workshop - China Earthquake Fundraising
Click here for: Taiji Workshop picture
Click here for: American Red Cross Certificate
Master Wong Wai Yi (Tony) and Master Tony Mak will be giving a workshop on Chen Family Taijiquan training techniques on Taiji Sphere and Taiji Bang. They are both Chen Taiji Masters from the 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan and International Taiji Gold Medalists. Wuji Qigong and Stand will also be emphasized at the beginning of the workshop to prepare participants for proper body alignment and connection.
Other US National Taiji Gold Medalists will demonstrate Chen Taiji empty hand forms, Chen Taiji 5 kinds of push hand patterns and weapons at the workshop. Taiji Masters from different taiji schools are invited and welcome to join the demonstration at 12:00 p.m.
Taiji Sphere: a training tool to train the dan tein connection and rotation; a very useful tool to implement and increase internal strength with applications. It's an important tool to make the dan tein come to live.
Taiji Bang: a training tool to train "qin na"(capture and grasp) technique that enables students to learn the principles of "qin na" and to be able to apply the internal strength to hand techniques.
***We have several Taiji Spheres from China, but bring a medicine ball, volleyball, or bowling ball just in case. We have taiji bangs for the participants to use.
Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday
Location: Daly City Westlake Park Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd. (cross street is John Daly Blvd), Daly City, CA 94015
Cost:$100 suggested (you can always make more donation and it's tax deductible). All proceeds go to Red Cross for the China Earthquake Fund.
RSVP: Registration is required. Email Sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com
Make check payable to: American Red Cross (China Earthquake Fund)
If you are unable to come to the workshop, you may still make a donation by sending a check directly to:
Attn: Michael Wong (China Earthquake Fund)
c/o American Red Cross
85 Second Street, 8th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Here is the link to the San Jose Mercury news regarding our China earthquake fundraiser:
China Earthquake Fundrasing Tai Chi Workshop
2008, May 24: Martial Art Master Demonstrations for China Earthquake Fundraising
Martial Art Masters from all over Bay Area will perform a demonstration at Santa Clara Convention Center between 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Tickets ($20 each) may be picked up at Li's Wu Shu Academy, 10268 Bandley Drive, #107, Cupertino. Write check payable to: Tiger Claw Foundation. Call (408) 973-8880 for more details.
2008, May 11:Mother's Day Celebration
Chen Taiji Demonstration led by Sifu Vivian (Chen Taiji Gold Medalists)
- empty hands forms, Chen taiji spear, and push hands. Cupertino Memorial Park (corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Mary Ave) at 12:40 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
2008, April 10:Master Tony Wong will be starting off the Asian Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month celebration with a Chen Taiji (Lao Jia) demonstration and a taiji fundamental and applications workshop at Foothill College Student Lounge at 12:00 p.m.
2007, September 1 - 2: Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang Chen Style Xin Jia First Form and applications - September 1. Push hands drills - September 2. Private session will be offered only to taiji instructors and invited guest - August 31(email Sifu Tony for more information). * Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. each day * Location: Willow Glen United Methodist Church (Kohlstedt Hall)- 1420 Newport Ave, San Jose, CA 95125 * Cost: $220 for both days or $120 for one day. Bring CASH (additional $20 for late payment) to workshop if check not received in mail by 8/28/07. * Limited to 30 participants: RSVP and registration are required. Email Sifu Tony at wongwaiyi@hotmail.com to receive a registration brochure. * Make check payable to: Anthony Wong & send check to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035. ** Special Dinner after workshop on September 2: Cost is $25 per person. Location: Taiwan Restaurant, 1306 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, (408) 289-8800 * Short Xin Jia review classes ($20 per class) are available on 8/19/07 at 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Daly City AND on 8/26/07 at 9:00-10:30 a.m. at McKenzie Park, 707 Fremont Avenue, Los Altos, CA 94024 (Park next to tennis court and walk toward playground) Master Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. He began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability. Click here for: Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang's picture 2007, May 19 - 20: Chen Style Taijiquan Xin Jia "yi lu" (first route) and Chen taiji qigong (5/19), & push hands and applications (5/20) with Master Chen Xiaoxing. Xin Jia Yilu review class with Sifu Tony will be held on 5/13 at Daly City Westlake Community Center next to the Gym from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. (see location address below). $15 for this review class. Time: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. & 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $200 per person for both days or $120 for one day. Workshop Location: Cubberley Community Center, Studio D, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA Dinner: Cost is $20 per person. Location: TBA Free Demonstration: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. on May 17, 2007. Location: Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Room 14, Daly City. Voluntary donation to ACTS: $10 Master Chen Xiaoxing: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. He began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and the Principal and Head Coach at the Chen Taiji School in Chen Village (Chenjiagou). Master Chen Xiaoxing will be teaching the Chen Style Xin Jia Yi Lu form and applications at the workshop. Xin Jia Chen Taiji was created in a more systematic way by the legendary 17th Generation Grandmaster Chen Fake, based on the principle and movements of the Lao Jia in combination with his lifetime martial art experience. The Xin Jia system was brought back to Chen Village by Chen Zhaokui to spread this new system, which has more obvious circles, storing and releasing powering with very graceful movements. Master Chen Xiaoxing's older brother, Chen Xiaowang, widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan will continue the Xin Jia teaching in the September 1 - 2, 2007 workshop. Click here for: picture of Tony with Master Chen Xiaoxing 2007, May 12:Chen Taiji demonstration at Cupertino Memorial at 1:15 p.m. for the Mother's Day Event. 2007, April 27 - 28:Two days workshop from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. These workshops will focus on detailed knowledge of the Hun Yuan taiji system with applications created by Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang that blends traditional Chen-style taiji with Xinyi Quan and internal "gong" exercises. Qigong and push hands exercises will be taught as well. Location: Northside Community Center - 488 N. 6th Street, San Jose, CA Check: http://www.hunyuan-taiji.org/md_workshop.html or call Michael Dorgan at 408-294-9079 for details. 2007, April 26:Free demonstrations and lectures from 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. on Hun Yuan Taijiquan System by Master Chen Xiang (Head instructor at the Feng Zhiqiang Martial Arts Academy in Beijing) and Master Feng Xiuqian (Master Feng Zhiqiang's daughter)Location: Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Room 14, Daly City, CA. 2007, March 31 - April 1:Workshop with Master Chen Bing Time: 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $100 per day or $180 for two days Location: ADDISON-PENZAK JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER - Levy Family Campus, 14855 Oka Rd. Suite 201, Los Gatos, CA Instructions: Chen Style Taijiquan Xin Jia "yi lu" (first form), Chen Taiji push-hand patterns with an emphasis on the eight energies, and applications review. Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang and Chen Xiaoxing; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou. Registration is limited to 20 participants. ***Registration required*** Email: Amara Goodman at amarapetals@hotmail.com to receive a registration brochure or download from the Chen Family Taiji Chatroom. Free Demonstrations: Thursday - 3/29/07 from 8-9 p.m. at Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Room 14, Daly City, CA. Wednesday - 3/28/07 from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Little House (Auditorium) 800 Middle Avenue, Menlo Park, CA. This FREE demonstration is co-sponsored by Little House and Sequoia Adult School District *Donation ($10) to the American Chen Taiji Society (ACTS) will be greatly appreciated. All proceeds will go directly to the Chen Taiji School in China for scholarships to disadvantage taiji students. 2007, March 10:Chinese New Year Festival Chen Taiji Demonstration lead by Sifu Vivian and Chris - empty hand forms, Chen taiji spear, and Saber. Location: Cupertino Memorial Park (corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Mary Ave) Time: 3:45 to 4:00 p.m. 2006, September 30:Moon Festival Celebration Chen Taiji Demonstration - empty hands forms, Chen taiji spear, and push hands. Cupertino Memorial Park (corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Mary Ave)at 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. 2006, August 26-27:Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang on Silk Reeling Exercises, Push hands, and Xin Jia First Form * Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2 - 5 p.m. each day * Location: Cubberly Community Center, Gym A, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto (ample parking available) * Cost: $240 for both days or $130 for one day. Bring CASH to workshop after you RSVP if you haven't put payment in the mail already. * Limited to 30 participants - registration required. Email Amara Goodman at amarapetals@hotmail.com to recieve a registration brochure. Make check payable to: Amara Goodman and send to American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035. * Dinner after workshop on 8/27: TBA * Short review classes ($20/class) are available on 8/13/06 at 9:00-10:00 a.m. at Cubberly Community Center, Gym A and on 8/20/06 at 10:00-11:00 a.m. at Westlake Community Center, 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Daly City. * Master Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. He began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability. Click here for:
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang's picture *** There will be a live interview with Master Chen Xiaowang on Thursday (8/24/2006)night at KTSF 26 "Talk Tonight" from 11:00 to 11:30 p.m.*** 2006, June 3: Chen Taiji and Qigong demonstration at Daly City Serramonte Center Daly City Taiji (Tai Chi) class will perform Traditional Chen Taiji empty hand forms, weapons, and push hands at noon. Taiji information booth to provide Taiji class information and answer related questions will open from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 2006, May 27-28:Chen Style Taijiquan Xin Jia "yi lu" (first route) and applications with Master Chen Xiaoxing Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. & 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $200 per person for both days or $120 for one day Dinner: May 28 at 5:00 p.m. in San Francisco. Cost is $20 per person. Demonstration from 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on 5/27/06. $10 donation to ACTS Master Chen Xiaoxing: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. He began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and the Principal and Head Coach at the Chen Taiji School in Chen Village (Chenjiagou). Master Chen Xiaoxing will be teaching the Chen Style Xin Jia Yi Lu form and applications at the workshop. Xin Jia Chen Taiji was created in a more systematic way by the legendary 17th Generation Grandmaster Chen Fake, based on the principle and movements of the Lao Jia in combination with his lifetime martial art experience. The Xin Jia system was brought back to Chen Village by Chen Zhaokui to spread this new system, which has more obvious circles, storing and releasing powering with very graceful movements. Master Chen Xiaoxing's older brother, Chen Xiaowang, widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan will continue the Xin Jia teaching in the August 27-28, 2006 workshop. Click here for: picture of Tony with Master Chen Xiaoxing 2006, April 29:The American Chen Taiji will be demonstraing (1:00 - 1:30 p.m.) at Temescal Creek Park, Emeryville, for the Earth Day Event. Demonstration includes various Taiji empty hand forms, push hands, and weapons. We are also performing for The World Tai Chi / Qigong Day Demonstration at SF Union Square (11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) 2006, April 2: Workshop with Master Chen Bing Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. Cost: $120 per person Instructions: Five kinds of Chen Taiji push-hand patterns and applications review Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang and Chen Xiaoxing; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou. Click here for: Master Chen Bing's picture 2006, March 11: Lunar New Year Unity Festival - Chen Taiji & QigongDemonstration Led by Sifu Vivian at 4:35 - 5:00 p.m. at Cupertino Memorial Park (corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Mary Ave) 2005, December 5: Mini Workshop with Master Chen Zheng-Lei Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Location: SF area (to be announced) Cost: $70 per person for the first 20 participants; $110 for 21st-25th participant. Workshop is limited to 25 participants. Instruction: first half hour - qigong; second hour - push hands; last hour - pole shaking. RSVP: required Note: NOT for beginner students. Master Chen Zheng-Lei: A 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is known as one of the "Taiji Jingangs" in Chenjiagou. He is a two-time Taijiquan Grand Champion at the National Taijiquan Competitions, and has won over 10 gold medals at the Henan Martial Arts Competition. 2005, September 17: Moon Festival - Chen Taiji Demonstration Cupertino Memorial Park (corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Mary Ave) at 12:50 p.m. 2005, September 10: Chen Taiji Demonstration City of San Jose's Guadalupe River Park and Gardens Grand Opening Celebration from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. **Chen Taiji Demonstration is at 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. ** The performance area is called Confluence North, which is off Joshua Street. For a map and parking directions: www.grpg.org/GrandOpening/DirectionsParking.html 2005, September 3 - 4:Workshop with Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang Topic: Chen Taiji 19 Forms & Applications - The Chen 19 form is a combination of postures from the three major styles of Chenjiagou Taijiquan: Lao Jia (Yi Lu), Xin Jia, and Xiao Jia. Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2 - 5 p.m. each day Location: Workshop will be held indoor in the San Francisco downtown area (ample parking available) Cost: $200 for both days or $120 for one day if paid before 8/15/2005. $220 for both days or $140 for one day if paid after 8/15/2005. Limited to 35 participants - RSVP required. Click here for registration form. Make check payable to: Amara Goodman and send to: American Chen Taiji Society, P.O. Box 156, Moffett Field, CA 94035. Dinner: After the workshop, dinner will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 4, at Canton Seafood Restaurant (three blocks from the workshop). $20 per person. Short workshops or private lessons are available from 8/30 - 9/2/2005 on a first come first serve basis through appointment. Fee: $150 per hour for one person; or $200 total if two people want to do an hour together. Master Chen Xiaowang: a 19th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; widely acknowledged as the "Standard Bearer" of Chen Family Taijiquan. He is the direct descendant of Chen Wang Ting, the founder of Taijiquan. He began his training at the age of eight under the tutelage of his father and then under Chen Zhaopei and Chen Zhaokui. He is one of the best Chen Taijiquan practitioners in the world and particularly famous for his fa jin ability. Click here for: Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang's picture 2005, May 27 - 29:Three-Day Intensive Taiji Camp Cost: $300 for 3 days (includes lodging and meals) Location: YMCA Point Bonita in the Marin Headlands section of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area The American Chen Taiji Society will be offering a special intensive training opportunity. Participants will be trained in: - Taiji Basic Footwork Drills; Wuji Qigong standing and correlation with push-hand and application drills; Chen Family Taiji Sphere. - Yi Quan basic stances and internal alignment; Yi Quan basic maneuvering and footwork; Yi Quan testing strength drills. Click here for: Three-Day Intensive Taiji Camp Agenda Master Wong Waiyi (Tony): a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan; disciple of Master Chen Qingzhou; one of the very few Taiji Masters outside of China granted the "Ming Shi" (Renowned Master) title by the International Taijiquan Conference of Wenxian, China; International Taiji Competition First Grade Award & Gold Medalist. 2005, May (exact date not confirmed yet): Workshops with Master Lu Zhiyou Master Lu Zhiyou: Senior disciple of Grandmaster Qingzhou; President and head coach at City of Luohe Municipal Chen Style Taijiquan Association; Push hands champion in Henan Province. 2005, April 23-24: Workshop with Master Chen Bing Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2 - 5 p.m. each day Cost: $180 for both days or $100 for one day Instruction: 5 kinds of Chen Taiji push-hand patterns and applications Master Chen Bing: a 20th Generation of Chen Family Taijiquan and nephew of Chen Xiaowang and Chen Xiaoxing; three-time National Push-Hand Champion from China; a three-time first place winner in Push-Hand and Taijiquan in Wenxian, China; a two-time International Taiji Competition Gold Medalist; head of Taiji coach at the University of Shanghai for many years before he returned to Chenjiagou. 2005, March 25: Welcome dinner for Master Chen Xiaoxing Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Ming's Diner at 2129 Taraval Street, San Francisco, CA Cost: $20 per person ** only 35 seats available and half of them has already been reserved, so please 2005, March 24: Workshop with Master Chen Xiaoxing Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Cost: $25 per person for the first 20 Tony's students or his students' students who register for this workshop. $30 per person for regular admission Location: Westlake Park Community Center at 145 Lake Merced Blvd, Room 14 (or outside at courtyard), Daly City, CA 94015 Instruction: Pole shaking techniques to increase fa jin and solo Taiji movements. Please bring your own pole. 2005, March 17: Taiji Demonstration Hosted by Traditional Chen Taiji Club at San Jose State University, Central Plaza at 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.signup today! 2004, October 7: Master Chen Bing in the Bay Area Master Chen Bing will be conducting a 3-hour push hands seminar in the Bay Area on 10/7/2004 evening. NO BEGINNER! Contact Sifu Tony directly if you are interested. There are only a few spaces left. 2004, October 2: Brisbane City's Street Festival 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. on San Francisco Ave in Brisbane Chen Family Taiji System by Peter, John, Steve, Chris, Vivian, and Singkin. Everyone is welcome to come support this event. 2004, September 25:Chen Taiji Picnic for Tony's Groups Barbeque at 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at McKenzie Park, 707 Fremont, Los Altos RSVP to: tradchentaiji@yahoo.com ** Tony will hold class from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ** 2004, September 19: 2004 Moon Festival 11:00 a.m. in SF Chinatown on Washington Street near Wentworth Alley. Chen Family Taiji System by John, Anita, Vivian, Chris, Peter, and Singkin. 2004, September 18: Demonstration at Cupertino Northwest YMCA 2:00 p.m. - Chen Style 24 Cannon Fist by Sifu Tony. 2004, June 5: Master Demonstration in the Bay Area 2004, June 5: Healthy Kids Promotion Day at Cupertino Northwest YMCA 2004, April 10: 12th Annual UC Berkeley Chinese Martial Arts Tournament 2004, March 5 - 26: Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou in the Bay Area Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou will be in the Bay Area in March 2004. If you are interested in attending any of the following events, please contact Tony Wong. 2003, October 26:
Bay Area Taiji Exhibition 2003, August 23: Daly City Lincoln Center Grand Opening Event: Chen taijiquan demonstration is at 12:00 - 12:15 p.m. 2003, August 3: "WUSHU FESTIVAL" sponsored by World Traditional Sports Federation (WTSF): Union Square, San Francisco; 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; **Chen taiji demonstration is at 12:00 - 12:30 p.m.** 2003, July 30: Chen Taiji Demonstration at SF YMCA's 150th Anniversary Celebration sponsored by Stonestown YMCA: City Hall, San Francisco; 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.; Loren Chin's demonstration is at 12:30 p.m. 2003, May 17: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Serramonte Shopping Center, Daly City; 12:30 p.m.; Other demonstrations before and after the Chen Taiji demonstration, beginning about 11:30 a.m. 2003, April 30: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Foothill College campus, Los Altos Hills; 12 noon - 1:00 p.m. at main dining room in Foothill College cafeteria, Asian Pacific Islander Month Closing Ceremony 2003, April 19: Competition results of Tony's students competing in the 11th Annual Berkeley Chinese Martial Arts Tournament at UC Berkeley 2002, September thru mid-December: Chen Qingzhou 2002, September 14 & 15: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Commercial Street, San Francisco - Autumn Moon Festival 2002, June 30: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Mountain View Cuesta Park 2002, May 18: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Serramonte Shopping Center 2002, March 23: Gu Zheng - Chen 48 Taiji Performance: San Francisco State University 2002, February 10: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Cupertino's Northwest YMCA - Celebrating Chinese New Year 2002, January 20: Chen Taiji Demonstration: S.F. Chinese Culture Center - 2001-2002 Ability Awards Poster Presentation Ceremony 2002, January 5: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Cupertino's Northwest YMCA & San Jose"s East Valley YMCA - Open House 2001, September & November: Chen Qingzhou 2001, September 3: Chen Xiaowang Demonstration Workshop 2001, August 19: Demonstration of Chen Family Taijiquan YiLu at the International Martial Arts Festival: Justin Herman Plaza, San Francisco 2001, May 5: Chen Taiji Demonstration: Serramonte Shopping Center 2001, March 30: Chen Taiji Demonstration: S.F. Chinese Culture Center
2001, Spring-Summer: Chen Youqiang
2000, August: 2000 San Francisco California International Wushu Festival
2000, July: Chen Zhengzhong
1999, April: Chen Qingzhou
© American Chen Taiji Society
All rights reserved